Activities: Conduct a couple of small-scale pilots in order to evaluate the ENVISAGE technologies as well as the produced virtual labs, thus facilitating their improvement. More specifically, based on several realistic educational scenarios (Obj.1), employ the authoring tool along with the data and visual analytics tools for building a set of virtual labs. Following an evaluation protocol, provide the produced labs to a number of subjects (i.e., students) in order to run them and based on the results of this process evaluate the labs with respect to their usefulness and effectiveness in satisfying the educational goals of the teachers as well as their ability to adapt to the personal needs of the students. In parallel, evaluate the usability of the authoring tool in building the above virtual labs as well as the support offered by the analytics tools towards the improvement of these labs.
Detailed evaluation reports will be the measurable outcome of this objective that will assess all the involved modules and the produced virtual labs in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, friendliness, usability, etc. The evaluation of the entire end product of the project will be based on the several scenarios defined in Obj.1 and will focus on the benefit of our use case partner as well as the extent to which the developed technologies will be absorbed by educational organizations external to our project and the sustainability of the ENVISAGE product after the end of the project.